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VOICE【Student Interview】

Student Interview

Why? How come? We asked current students why they chose Osaka Sangyo University!

  • voice01

    On the international stage
    A bridge connecting Asia

    I was frustrated that I couldn't speak Korean even though my father is a Korean resident of Japan, so I went on to Osaka Sangyo University where I could study Korean. Furthermore, I thought that since I continued to study Chinese martial arts, I could aim to become an international person who connects Japan, Korea, and China, so I went on to Department of International Studies.

    Faculty of International Studies Department of International Studies

  • voice02

    Becoming a health and physical education teacher
    I want to share the joy of sports

    "I was able to overcome my weakness in mat exercises thanks to the teacher's guidance. I was able to teach my friends my favorite ball game and they were happy." These were the things that inspired me to aim to become a teacher. The deciding factor for me to attend Osaka Sangyo University was that I could not only study the teacher training course, but also specialized in sports and health.

    Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Department of Sport and Health Sciences
    Mr. Koyanagi

    Mr. Koyanagi
  • voice03

    What interests and concerns you
    Pursue at your own pace

    I had studied abacus, so I was torn between business administration and economics. After reading the pamphlet and listening to the teacher's explanation, Faculty of Business Management became my first choice. I was an internal transfer student from the attached high school, but I'm glad I was able to enter the department I wanted.

    Department of Business Management Faculty of Business Management Business Administration

  • voice04

    Hosting events and researching new businesses
    Acquire the know-how you need to become an entrepreneur

    I don't want to get a job at a company in the future and be tied down by the rules of that company! I thought the only way to do that was to start my own company, so I applied to Faculty of Business Management to acquire the necessary knowledge. The fact that it was my grandfather and uncle's alma mater was also a deciding factor in my enrollment.

    Faculty Faculty of Business Management Department of Commercial Sciences

  • voice05

    Hone your problem-solving skills
    I want to be a useful person to society

    When I was looking for a university with a good track record in finding employment, my high school teacher recommended Osaka Sangyo University. I wanted to live alone outside of the prefecture, and when I was touring the school, I happened to meet a senior student from my hometown. I felt relieved when I heard the details about the Faculty of Faculty of Economics. That was the deciding factor.

    Faculty of Economics International Economics
    Mr. Ito

    Mr. Ito
  • voice06

    Learning beyond the boundaries of departments
    Greatly increased knowledge and enthusiasm

    Having attended an affiliated high school, I had always had the impression that Osaka Sangyo University was a familiar university. When I took a mock class, I was interested in Faculty of Economics 's teachers, money, and other subjects of study, which was also a deciding factor in my decision to go on to higher education.

    Faculty of Economics International Economics

  • voice07

    "Manufacturing" from an architectural perspective
    Refine your ideas and knowledge

    I've loved making things since I was little. I was also good at science subjects, so I aimed to study architecture. I thought that the architecture field would be the starting point for "making things," so I was particularly attracted Department of Architectural and Environmental Design, where I could learn about architecture and design from a wide range of perspectives.

    Faculty Faculty of Design Technology Department of Architectural and Environmental Design

  • voice08

    The only railway engineering course in Japan
    "Love for trains" continues to grow

    I came across Osaka Sangyo University while searching for a university where I could specialize in railways. With the only "Railway Engineering Course" in Japan, a long history and track record that began with a railway school, and the impression I got from the open campus, I thought "This is the place for me!" and decided to go on to the Department of Department of Mechanical Engineering for Transportation.

    Faculty of Engineering, Department of Department of Mechanical Engineering for Transportation


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